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'분위기' 영어로? ambiance

by 링뉴 2021. 8. 14.

step3 : ambiance


  1. I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles. Because of his gegging in on our jokes, the ambiance suddenly turned cold. I don’t know how I made efforts to smooth it over.
    아까 정말 가시방석에 앉아있는 것 같았어. 그가 우리 농담에 끼어들어서, 분위기가 갑자기 싸해졌어. 다시 수습하느라 얼마나 고생했는지 몰라.

  2. I thought It would have been relax atmosphere. There had been a hectic ambiance at his office. Maybe I shouldn't go there the next time I meet him.
    여유로운 분위기 일줄 알고 찾아갔는데, 그의 사무실은 정신 없이 바쁜 분위기였어. 다음엔 그를 만나러 사무실까지 가진 말아야 겠어.

  3. I like the ambience of this coffee shop. I like this place more than where we went last time.
    이 찻집은 분위기가 좋다. 저번에 갔던 곳보다 훨씬 마음에 들어.

  4. Thank you for your inviting me to dinner. Your house has a very sung ambience. Did you do this interior yourself?
    저녁식사에 초대해주셔서 감사해요. 집 안 분위기가 참 아늑하네요. 인테리어는 직접 하신건가요?

  5. Did you tell me you went on a blind date yesterday? What about the ambiance? You were worried about that a lot.
    어제 소개팅했다고 했지? 분위기는 어땠니? 네가 엄청 걱정했잖아.
