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'-에 못 미치다, 부족하다, 모자르다,' 영어로? fall short of

by 링뉴 2022. 8. 23.

step3 : fall short of


  1. Even though It is just a little achieve, you have to give yourself some credit and rewards. As you know, Many things fall short of our expectations.
    작은 성취라도 스스로를 칭찬하고 보상해줘야 해. 너도 알겠지만, 바라는 대로 되지 않는 일이 많아. 

  2. It sounds plausible, but he falls short of being a man of letters. He is just talking the talk.
    그럴듯한 말을 하는 것 같지만, 그는 대단한 학자는 못된다. 그냥 말만 번지르르하게 하는거야.

  3. I think we should make a specific plan how to spend this month. we fell short of money at the end of the month. As I check our breakdown of credit card, there are lot of impulse buying.
    이번 달은 소비 계획을 구체적으로 세워야 겠어. 우리는 월말에 돈이 모자랐어. 카드 내역을 보니까 충동 구매가 많아.

  4. the next time we go on a trip, let’s more prepare hard and go a better place. The trip fell short of our expectations and was not much fun. Well, It’s fortunate that we found the delicious place.
    다음 여행은 더 열심히 준비해서 좋은 곳으로 가보자. 그 여행은 우리의 기대에 못 미쳤고 재미가 별로 없었어. 그래도 맛집 하나 찾아서 그나마 다행이긴 하네.

  5. I’m trying to set a goal and put it into practice every time. But there are times that I have fallen short of my own standards. I don’t know how to do when I can’t be satisfied with myself.
    나도 매번 목표를 세우고 실천하기 위해 노력하지만, 내가 나 자신의 기준에 못 미친 때들이 있다. 나에게 만족하는 것이 힘들 때 어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠다.
