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'실행하다, 강요하다, 집행하다' 영어로? enforce

by 링뉴 2022. 8. 25.

Step 3 : enforce


  1. What you cannot enforce, Do not command.
    당신이 실행할 수 없는 일을 남에게 명령하지 말라.

  2. After a priod of enforced idleness, she found a new job.
    그녀는 한동안 일이 없어 어쩔 수 없이 놀다가 새 직장을 구했다.

  3. It is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced.
    그 규칙들이 분명히 시행되도록 하는 것은 그들의 책무이다.

  4. Rules are strictly enforced in the school.
    그 학교는 규율이 엄하다.

  5. I plan to continue enforcing it.
    전 계속해서 그걸 시행할 계획이에요
